
Why Jesus Said That A Prophet Has No Honor In His Own Country?

"They knew Jesus as a child. They just said, 'Hey Jesus," but they did not know he was God, "said Stacey, 6

It's hard to talk to people who know him long, especially in spiritual matters. They think they know you. In most cases they are right, but not Jesus.

When Jesus taught in the synagogue in his hometown of Nazareth, those present said: "Where is man?" (Mark 6:02). The Bible says they were surprised and offended. He saw Jesus heal people, but could not go beyond the fact that he knew his mother, brothers and sisters. After all, Jesus was just a carpenter. He did not have the necessary permits or religious school.

Be careful to despise ordinary. Remember how God spoke to Moses, for the first time? He used a burning bush. In the hands of God, something ordinary can become extraordinary. Pharaoh's court, the Joint Staff to bring Moses miraculously became a snake.

When the prophet Samuel went to anoint a new king of Israel, he thought his eldest son Jesse would be the choice of God

"But the Lord said to Samuel," Do not look at his appearance or his physical life, because I have refused. For the Lord sees not as man sees, people look at the appearance but the Lord seeth the 'heart "(I Samuel 16:7).

The Lord has chosen a popular shepherd the flock of his father. In addition, David was the least likely option, in a society that has encouraged more children. He was the youngest son. God seems to enjoy taking the minimum path.

Jesus did not come into this world with great fanfare, as most expect the Messiah. The place where he lived in Nazareth, was small and insignificant. The profession he chose, a carpenter, not impress.

"Isaiah 53 shows that Jesus had been waiting the whole time," says Nathaniel, 9: "He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and sickness leave and we hid, as it were our faces from him. He was despised, and we do not respect him "(Isaiah 53:3).

The Old Testament is full of prophecies concerning the Messiah. The Hebrew prophets predicted that Jesus would be born (Bethlehem), the lineage of his birth (the lineage of David), and the suffering that would take our sins (Isaiah 53:6). How ironic that one of the prophets predicted would be no honor among his people.

"People kept waiting for a prophet to come, but he was right in front of them," said Julia, 7

At our peril, we ignore the people and things that are right in front of us. Are you someone who thinks that you would have been just after Jesus, if you had seen the miracles he performed, and heard the messages he preached?

It 'easy to imagine what he would do if he had lived in Jesus' Even if Jesus is not physically present on earth today, we have a reliable recording of his ministry. We have access to the Bible, biblical commentaries and books of inspiration in abundance.

Think about this: Christians can honor Christ today to witness the power of God's saving grace, and teach others how to live in Christ through them.

Memorize this truth: "For Jesus himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his own country" (John 04:44).

This question: How can honor Jesus Christ today?

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