
Do I Believe in Jesus Or in Paul?

In the last article, "The limits of God's grace," I tried to show how the grace of God is often presented in a way that does not invalidate the numerous writings, which are clearly talking about holiness, it is absolutely necessary if you want to get access at last to heaven. These writings are too often overlooked in favor, emphasizing that eternal life is a gift, or that salvation is by grace. There would be wise, however, does not neglect anything God has said, especially in something as important as salvation. If our interpretation of a verse clearly at odds with many other verses, there is something wrong with our interpretation. So we should be diligent to find an understanding of salvation, which aligns each of the Bible.

I recently received letters from someone noticed the apparent contradiction between Jesus and Paul on this issue. Jesus was apparently stressed that only people obedient to inherit eternal life, while Paul seemed to emphasize that salvation by grace through faith. Who should be trusted? this person asked.

The answer is that both should be confident, because their teachings were not very different. Their focus may be slightly different, but it was mainly because of possible misunderstandings of their specific areas. Consider first the teaching of Jesus, and then look at Paul.

Interestingly, there is no trace in the four Gospels of Jesus even once with the word "grace", even though it has shown through each day, as graciously forgave and healed the people. Moreover, once in John 4:10, Jesus spoke of salvation as a gift, one is somewhat surprising. However, has always stressed on several occasions and the absolute necessity of obedience, if we were to inherit the kingdom of God. That was the whole subject of his sermon on the mount, where (1) a list of traits that would inherit his kingdom (Matthew 5:3-16), (2) has warned that we would not enter in heaven if our righteousness exceed that of the very religious scribes and Pharisees (5:20), (3) warned hatred, irreconcilable, lust and sexually immoral, ruthless, those who stored up treasures on earth, and all those which do not bear good fruit that hell is their destiny (Matthew

5:21-30, 6:14-15, 19-24, 7:19), (4) indicated that only those who do His Father will enter heaven (Matthew 7:21), and (5) noted that those who hear and obey his words will be destroyed as a house built on sand during a flood (Matthew 7:24-27).

Jesus also warned that those who do not feed the hungry and clothe the naked, the "brethren" to be cast into hell (see Matt. 25:31-46). Furthermore, it has publicly declared that his true brothers and sisters are doing the will of His Father (Matthew 12:50). He told those who wondered what to do to inherit eternal life to keep the commandments (Matthew 19:16-17;. Luke 10:25-28). In one case, told a rich man who had to sell all your possessions and give the proceeds to charity, and then as the rich man walked sadly so, Jesus said it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man was to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:21-24).

This is just a small sample of the many examples of Jesus' statements that would lead an honest person to conclude that only the saints inherit eternal life. This article does not consider space at all.

However, despite all this, Jesus clearly taught that salvation is by faith (see Mark 11:15, 16:16, Luke 8:12, John 3:15-18, 5:24, 6: 35, 40, 47, 08:24, 11:25-26, 20:31).

So the problem is not just how does one reconcile Jesus and Paul? But how does one reconcile Jesus with Jesus? How can it be that only the saints inherit eternal life and that salvation is attained through faith?

There is only one way to reconcile these two truths. Salvation is to be conducted by a belief that results in permanent obedience. Of course, what Scripture teaches constantly. Faith without works is dead, useless and can not save them, writes James (see Jas. 2:14-26). Faith and obedience are not mutually exclusive, they are mutually inclusive: "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, but whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but God's wrath is directed upon him "(Jn 3, 36, my italics).

People who believe in Jesus to obey Jesus because they believe he is the Son of God. People who do not obey him really believe in it even if they think they do. They really believe in Jesus is not an imaginary god, which is idolatry.

Interestingly, Jesus not only repeatedly stressed that only those whose faith produces obedience is heaven bound, but he also warned against those who once mistakenly believed that everlasting life is something to win. Does he contradict himself? Read what he said:

He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves than those who were righteous, and seen others with contempt: Two men went into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself: "God, I thank you that I am not like others .. Scammers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this I fast twice a week; tenth of everything that the liver can obtain "But the tax collector, is a bit 'far, had also wanted to raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast and said:" O God, be merciful to me a sinner "Let me tell you, this man had his house justified rather than the other, who exalts the humble, but he who humbles himself will be exalted (Luke 18:9-14).

This parable is sometimes abused by those pushing a twisted concept of the grace of God. But let us consider it honestly. Note that the main difference between the Pharisee and the publican was: tax collectors realized that he was a sinner who needed God's grace to be saved, as the Pharisee did not see such a need. That is what a true legalist - someone who is blind to his own sin and need God's grace to be saved. He sees salvation as something simply to be served, and generally using his own pathetic standards of justice. In this case, actually believes his Pharisee fasts weekly and tenth conscientious, with some other virtues that made him just the sight of God. However, Jesus taught that tithing is a little soft in terms of what God considers important (see Luke 11:42). Neither fasting high on the list of Jesus (cf. Matt. 9:14-15).

The truth is that those who truly believe in Jesus is born again (in fact, not only in theory), and has radically transformed by the Holy Spirit who dwells (another proof of God's grace in salvation), and their legal value that far exceeds the scribes and Pharisees, there is no comparison.

Despite what some people are trying to tell us, because Jesus was the attitude of the Pharisee in this parable, had not thought of sincere believers, who have realized their sin and the need for the grace of God, who believed in him and repent, and that now "working for their salvation with fear and trembling" (Philippians 2:12), because they are "seeking to enter by the narrow gate" (Luke 13:24), as he said them! Rather, Jesus was thought proud of the scribes and Pharisees, who were blind to their sins, that he saw no need for the grace of God, if they are saved (and therefore saw no need for the Savior who died for their sins), which didn 't have near the reach of God's standards of justice, and on top of all this, "the others looked on with contempt" (direct quote from Jesus' parable' of the preface). And let's not more than the parable to what has been said.

With this in mind, we are better prepared to understand Paul's teaching, which, as we shall see, in perfect harmony with the teachings of Jesus. Objective of all of Paul's ministry was, as he put it, "the obedience of faith among all nations" (Rom. 1:05, 16:26, emphasis added). This quote from the book of Romans reveals two important facts.

At first Paul did not believe that salvation by grace through faith cancels obedience. Instead, he believed that genuine faith produces obedience "obedience of faith", as he said.

Secondly, this quote reveals that the primary objective of the Gentiles that Paul was Jewish. But the Bible also reveals that Jewish teachers were Paul's main antagonist, as he worked to achieve "the obedience of faith for all nations." They tried to weaken the Jewish teachers of his God-given message of the gospel the Gentiles, and that the same attitude is reflected in Jesus 'parable' of the Pharisee. Their teaching of salvation was blind to their sinfulness, pride, clumsy, legal, Christ-less, and is based on the pathetic standards of justice, in most cases circumcision, and to keep some 'part of the ceremonial law of Moses (see Galatians 4:10-11, 5:2-3, 6., 11, 6:12-15).

Paul has fought tooth and nail to teach many of his letters. It is also distinguished the works of Jewish legalists had so much emphasis on truth and holiness. For example, he wrote to the Christians of Corinth:

Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing, but what matters is keeping the commandments of God (1 Cor. 7:19).

This verse speaks of the true nature of the struggle for the legalistic Paul. Yet many of the modern legal definitions of spirituality, this verse, Paul would be right for you!>

Understanding this context, we can better understand why Paul wrote statements such as those found in Ephesians 2:8-9, primarily for Gentile believers (Eph. 2:11-3:06).

For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is God's gift, not as a result of the work, so no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Did Paul write these words because he feared that the believers in Ephesus became too eager to obey the commandments of Christ? No, he wrote because he did not want them to be deceived by Jewish legalists who tried to convince his Gentile converts that they must be circumcised and keep the other ceremonial aspects of the Mosaic law to be saved.

In addition, Paul was to say that since salvation is by grace and not the result of works, that no one can get to heaven without holiness? As you read a little 'later in this same letter, the answer is clear:

For this we know for sure that no immoral or impure person or a man greedy for money, which is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. No one deceive you with empty words, because these things the wrath of God comes when the children of disobedience (Ephesians 5:5-6).

These two sentences of the same letter proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Paul is not intended 2:8-9 that because salvation is the gift is not based on the work that holiness is immaterial . And there are other similar writings of Paul's writings that confirm this (eg 1 Cor. 6:9-10, Gal. 5:19-21). Obviously, Paul believed that no immoral, impure or greedy (as are all forms of idolatry, according to Paul), inherit the kingdom of God, exactly what Jesus taught in his Sermon on the Mount. Paul said that salvation is not the result of work, work (good deeds, so are) the result of salvation. In fact, we only read out a verse 2:8-9 we would immediately recognize this:

We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to do (Ephesians 2:10).

The grace that God offers salvation offers more than forgiveness. It also offers a change. When immoral, impure or greedy people to repent and experience the true salvation, becomes a moral, clean and generous. This does not mean that they become robots saint, but that the power of sin is broken, and persevere in their faith, to motivate them to yield to the Spirit and not after the flesh, and ask for forgiveness when they are not sufficient.

Finally, what are the differences between "works" legalistic "works" of a true believer in Jesus? There are many.

The legalistic works fall far, far below God's righteous standards. This is a facade on the outside inside, and the motivation is the love of the approval of the people. The work of the law are more likely to be religious and moral and ceremonial dedication (Mark 12:33), things like church attendance and tithing. They produce pride. The work of the law are an insult to God because nullify the grace and sacrifice of Christ (cf. Gal. 2:21). Legalistic, in essence, saying to God: "I can save me ... I do not need Jesus or his sacrifice." The legalists do not understand their own sins and the righteousness of God. They are like people who think they should be awarded the Nobel Prize, and who let their dogs sleep inside.

However, the works of a born-again believer is a much higher level. They result from a pure heart and a recognition that God loves and wants to please. They originate in the same Christ who lives in the believer by the Holy Spirit, and Jesus said are "made in God" (John 3:21). The works of the born-again believer is more likely to be moral and self-sacrifice as a religious and ceremonial. The true believers who were once religious repent of their "dead works" (see Heb. 6:1), the works of legalism.

This is a brief search could be greatly expanded by examining the writings of many others, who say the truth to consider. Jesus and Paul both of which can count on, and the Gospels harmonize perfectly. Praise God for His kind offer of salvation extended to all those who repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. A result of faith in him is the "obedience of faith" (Romans 1:05), so the obedient believers in Christ are ready to stand before God to be judged, and vice versa, "according to their works", just like the promises of the Bible (cf. Mt 16:27, Rom. 02 06, Revelation 20:12-13).

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